Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sketch Journal 18 - Perspectives

10 perspectives had been sketched out. Line weights amd hatches are used to produce the following sketches.

Sketch Journal 14b - My dream house.

This is my rough idea and bubble diagrams of my dream house.

Sketch Journal 12 - Concepts of building

3 buildings had been chosen and the concepts of the buildings are shown in the diagram.

Sketch Jornal 11 - Presentation regarding favorite item

This is the brief presentation of my camera.

Sketch Journal 10 - Initial concept for viewing tower

Diagram below shows how I designed and derived my ideas for the tower.

Sketch Journal 09 - Penang Postcards

A study trip was carried on in Penang. Here are 3 postcards which show the identity of Penang.

Sketch Jounal 08 - Proposed location for the toy character

A location is chosen to put my viewing. it is situated under a tree and between the tree roots.

Sketch Journal 07 - 3 ideas for the toy viewing tower

3 ideas had been sketched out for my toy character, Scrat. Tower emphasize on flexibilty and providing 360 view.