Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sketch Journal 18 - Perspectives

10 perspectives had been sketched out. Line weights amd hatches are used to produce the following sketches.

Sketch Journal 14b - My dream house.

This is my rough idea and bubble diagrams of my dream house.

Sketch Journal 12 - Concepts of building

3 buildings had been chosen and the concepts of the buildings are shown in the diagram.

Sketch Jornal 11 - Presentation regarding favorite item

This is the brief presentation of my camera.

Sketch Journal 10 - Initial concept for viewing tower

Diagram below shows how I designed and derived my ideas for the tower.

Sketch Journal 09 - Penang Postcards

A study trip was carried on in Penang. Here are 3 postcards which show the identity of Penang.

Sketch Jounal 08 - Proposed location for the toy character

A location is chosen to put my viewing. it is situated under a tree and between the tree roots.

Sketch Journal 07 - 3 ideas for the toy viewing tower

3 ideas had been sketched out for my toy character, Scrat. Tower emphasize on flexibilty and providing 360 view.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sketch Journal 5 : Site measurement

Site Plan and Thumbnails

Perspectives of site

Sketch Journal 4a : Tracing architect's building

Simmons Hall, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Site Plan





Famous Architect

Steven Holl
An Anmerican architect who born on December 9, 1947, famous with his hybrid project and watercolour architectural drawing. Recognition and awards : Alvar Aalto Medal (1998), New York American Institute of Architects Medal of Honor (1997),the French Grande Médaille d’Or (2001), the Smithsonian Institution’s Cooper Hewitt National Design Award in Architecture (2002), Honorary Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (2003), the Arnold W. Brunner Prize in Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and the 2008 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award in the Arts category.

Some of his famous works:

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Arts

Kiasma, Helsinki

Bellevue Arts Museum, Washington

Sketch Journal 3b : On-the-spot sketches

Sketch Journal 3a : Perspectives and details

Plan of Taylors Lakeside Campus

Indoor Perspective
(One point perspective)

Indoor Perspective
(One point perspective)

Outdoor Perspective
(One point Perspective)

Details of outdoor perspective

Sketch Journal 2b : Application of various strokes

Bare trees
(Short strokes and scribbles)

A flower 
(Cross hatching and continuos line)

A moth
(Pointilism and continuos line)

Perspective of buildings
(Short strokes, cross hatching, scribbles and continuos line)

Sketch Journal 2a : Different types of strokes

Short Strokes
Cross hatching
Continuos line